Scammers and Fake Banks (2024)

Scammers and Fake Banks (1)

Scammers and Fake Banks (2)

Scammers and Fake Banks (3)

Scammers and Fake Banks

Tips to help protect you and your money

Scammers are constantly trying to steal your money and your personal information, and they use a variety of ways to try to trick you. Scammers often pretend to be from an organization you might know and trust (such as an FDIC-insured bank) and try to get your personal information. FDIC can help you verify whether a website is a fake bank website or the legitimate website of an FDIC-insured bank.

There are a number of ways scammers try to reach you, too. The term “phishing” is when scammers try to reach you by email or on a website. Similarly, “smishing” is when criminals use text messaging to reach you. The word “vishing” is when these scammers call you and try to trick you into providing personal information by sounding like a legitimate business or government official. Learn how to identify these scams and better protect yourself and your money.

Am I dealing with a legitimate, FDIC-insured bank?

Criminals create fake bank websites to mislead and entice people into transferring money or disclosing personal information. This scam is a form of “phishing.” Some of these fake bank websites use the FDIC name or “Member FDIC” logo to instill a false sense of security. Sometimes it is hard to tell which websites are real, and which are fakes. Before engaging with any website for an entity that claims to be an FDIC-insured bank, it is important to make sure that the website real.

To help you determine if a website belongs to an FDIC-insured bank, check the FDIC BankFind, a data resource on the FDIC website. You can look up banks by name or website address to verify whether they are a real FDIC-insured bank. Compare the bank name with the web address or URL. Watch for letters out of place or the bank name as a sub web address of the fake name. If you are in doubt or identify a suspicious website related to FDIC insurance, please contact the FDIC National Center for Consumer and Depositor Assistance (NCDA) at 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342) to speak with a deposit insurance specialist or go to

Malicious apps

Scammers also develop banking apps that may install malicious software or “malware” on your phone or tablet. If you download a malicious app to your device, the malware can steal personal information from it or lock it and hold it for ransom until you pay the scammers. Other types of malicious apps may ask you to login using your social media or email accounts, which could expose your personal information for the scammers to steal.

If you do download an app, be careful of apps or websites that ask for suspicious permissions, such as granting access to your contacts, text messages, stored passwords, or credit card information. Also, poor grammar or misspelled words in an app description or on a website are red flags that it may not be legitimate.

Text messages from scammers

Scammers may use text messaging to reach you too, known as “smishing.” They may pretend they are from your bank and try to get you to provide your personal information. The text message often looks like a bank security message. Note that these fraudulent messages often try to create a sense of urgency to make you provide your personal information faster and less carefully. Take your time and call your bank using a phone number that you are familiar with, for example, the number provided on your debit or credit card. Do not use a phone number provided by someone you are unfamiliar with or that you think may be a scammer. As an alternative, contact the FDIC before you provide any information when something does not seem right.

Email links

Just like text message scams, avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails or emails from unfamiliar sources. Some links may download malware (malicious software, such as computer viruses) to your device when you click on them. This is another form of “phishing.” The malware may steal your banking information, including your username, passwords, and credit or debit card numbers. Some links may lead to an illegitimate website attempting to get you to enter your personal information. These emails typically look very similar to ones sent by familiar sources like well-known retailers, banks, and other entities.

Be on the lookout for emails with typos, obvious mistakes, unusual fonts, that create a sense of urgency, or just seem off. In addition, be skeptical of email attachments described as coupons, rebates, or payment forms – they could include malware. Moreover, avoid email offers that seem “too good to be true.” Also watch for fee-related scams. This type of scam is where the scammer requests you to send money or pay “FDIC insurance fees” to receive a large amount of money in return. As a reminder, the FDIC does not charge or collect fees from consumers.

No matter how the scammers try to reach you, following the tips highlighted in this article will help keep you and your money safe.

Additional resources:

FDIC Consumer News: Avoid Scams While Shopping Online for Bargains

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency: 4 Things You Can Do To Keep Yourself Cyber Safe

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Frauds & Scams

Federal Trade Commission: How to Avoid Phishing Scams

For more consumer resources,, or go to the FDIC Knowledge Center. You can also call the FDIC toll-free at 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342). Please send your story ideas or comments You can subscribe to this and other free FDIC publications to keep informed!

Scammers and Fake Banks (4)

Scammers and Fake Banks (2024)


Do scammers pretend to be banks? ›

Scammers are constantly trying to steal your money and your personal information, and they use a variety of ways to try to trick you. Scammers often pretend to be from an organization you might know and trust (such as an FDIC-insured bank) and try to get your personal information.

How to spot a bank scammer? ›

Spotting and avoiding bank phone scams

First, banks will never ask you to transfer money into a 'safe account'. It just doesn't happen. Second, banks will never ask you to reveal personal information including your PIN, or passwords for online accounts.

How to verify if a bank is legitimate? ›

A: To help you determine if a website belongs to an FDIC-insured bank, check the FDIC BankFind, a data resource on the FDIC website. You can look up banks by name or website address to verify whether they are a real FDIC-insured bank. Compare the bank name with the web address or URL.

Do banks refund scammed money? ›

While banks are generally obligated to refund money lost to fraud, they may deny the refund if you were negligent or involved in the scam.

What does a scammer need for a bank account? ›

Unfortunately (for scammers), they can't get access to your account without your help. Bank scams require that you share personal financial information with a scammer, install malware on your devices, or use unverified checks and other banking material.

How do banks track scammers? ›

Investigators gather evidence, which may include transaction records, communication logs, and customer account histories. This phase is crucial in identifying the nature and extent of the fraudulent activity.

How do you find out if you are talking to a scammer? ›

You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice. You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice.

Can a scammer withdraw money from my bank account? ›

Someone with access to both your account number and routing number could withdraw money from your personal bank account. They could also use these account details to shop online, pay bills, create counterfeit checks or apply for new credit accounts.

Can a scammer be tracked? ›

You can help law enforcement track down scammers by gathering details of your interactions and how the scam played out. Make sure you capture this information before you block the scammer: Contact details. Even fake names, accounts, and spoofed emails and phone numbers can help investigators track down scammers.

Can banks detect fake bank statements? ›

Financial institutions and other organizations have two options when reviewing bank statements and other documents: Manual review: An underwriter or other authority reviews the document content and metadata by hand and uses their knowledge and expertise to identify potential instances of fraud.

Will the bank pay back if scammed? ›

If you've transferred money to someone because of a scam

Your bank or building society should reimburse you if it's registered with the Lending Standards Board under their Contingent Reimbursem*nt Model Code (CRM Code). You can check if your bank is registered under the CRM code on the Lending Standards Board website.

Are banks liable if you get scammed? ›

The Electronic Fund Transfer Act provides important protections when consumers suffer unauthorized withdrawals from their accounts. For instance, so long as a person promptly notifies their bank that access to their account has been stolen, the law limits the person's losses to $50.

How can I recover my money from a scammer? ›

Contact the company or bank that issued the credit card or debit card. Tell them it was a fraudulent charge. Ask them to reverse the transaction and give you your money back. Did a scammer make an unauthorized transfer from your bank account?

Is pretending to be a bank illegal? ›

Penal Code 529 PC false impersonation law makes it a crime to impersonate someone in an effort to unlawfully gain a benefit or cause harm to them.

What is bank spoofing? ›

This technique involves sending an SMS to the victim pretending to be their bank with a view to obtaining the information required to commit the scam or fraud or any other criminal act.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.